WCPT is pleased to announce the launch of its art and health competition. The work of the finalists will be displayed in an art and health exhibition at the WCPT Congress in Singapore in May 2015.
Download the press release at http://www.wcpt.org/sites/wcpt.org/files/files/Press_Release_competition_launch_9Oct14_Final.pdf
Please feel free to forward the press release to any of your colleagues who you think may be interested.
WCPT launches art and health competition
For immediate release
Following the success of WCPT's first ever art and health competition launched ahead of the WCPT Congress in 2011, WCPT is pleased to announce the launch of its second competition. The work of the finalists will be displayed in an art and health exhibition at the WCPT Congress in Singapore in May 2015.
The theme of the competition is "Fulfilling potential". WCPT is seeking outstanding pieces of artwork relevant to physical therapy including representations of:
- human movement
- fulfilling human potential
- how physical therapy encourages independence
- practice across the lifespan
All entries must be submitted electronically as a JPEG photograph. The original artwork must be created in one of the following media:
- photography
- painting
- drawing
- sculpture
All images should be taken at the best quality available. If a photograph of a sculpture, drawing or painting is being submitted, the artwork must be clearly visible and well lit.
The competition is open to professionals and amateurs alike - all that is required is a passion for your work! A maximum of three entries may be submitted by any one individual. To view the winners and runners-up of the last art and health competition go to www.wcpt.org/node/42615
The closing date for the competition is 15th December 2014. Please email entries (or direct any enquiries) to Mia Lockner at info@wcpt.org. Further information is available at www.wcpt.org/congress/art-and-health
Kind regards
Mia Lockner
Communications & Office Manager
World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT)
Victoria Charity Centre
11 Belgrave Road
London SW1V 1RB
United Kingdom
T +44 (0)20 7931 6465
F +44 (0)20 7931 6494
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