Please forward this email to your members ![]()
March 2015
From the President and Secretary General ![]()
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) ![]()
Report: Ending childhood obesity ![]()
UN disability newsletter ![]()
Regulation conference 2016 ![]()
MedBridge ![]()
World Health Day ![]()
From the President and Secretary General We are looking forward to presenting the WCPT Awards on 30th April during the gala dinner being held at the time of the WCPT General Meeting in Singapore. The awards, including the Mildred Elson Award launched in 1987, recognise outstanding contributions to physical therapy on an international level.As the world gets smaller, international recognition is increasingly important for those professionals who extend their influence beyond national boundaries to further their profession and promote global health. These are special people.There's a lot of commitment in our profession. Many physical therapists give up their time – and sometimes much more - to contribute to the work of the profession at national, regional and international levels. They undertake projects, organise events, and sit on committees among other things. We'll be seeing it too in the approximately 250 volunteers who will guide and help delegates during the WCPT Congress 2015, after the General Meeting.During our time in Singapore, we'll have plenty of opportunity to relish everything that is good in our profession.Kind regards
Marilyn Moffat and Brenda J MyersIf you would like to use all or part of this e-letter for your own newsletters/websites then please feel free. We need your assistance to reach the profession around the world, so please send this e-update to your members.
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
The NCD Alliance's new "Advocacy Toolkit on NCDs in the Post-2015 Development Agenda" is available for download as a navigable PDF on its website. The toolkit aims to equip advocates with the information and resources necessary to secure the inclusion of NCDs and health in the post-2015 development agenda. In addition, the two pager "NCDs: A Priority for Sustainable Human Development" can also be downloaded. It includes new infographics to reinforce the case for NCDs as a priority development issue, and outlines our asks for NCD-related targets/indicators in post-2015. The toolkit is currently available as a PDF download in English and Spanish:
To find out about the World Health Organization Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention and Control of NCDs go to:
Report: Ending childhood obesity
The World Health Organization (WHO) Commission on Ending Childhood Obesity (ECHO) has just published its interim report at: The Commission is currently welcoming suggestions and feedback on this report, which identifies key issues and outlines potential policy options.
UN disability newsletter
The United Nations disability newsletter, Enable, this month highlights:
- the Third World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction
- World Autism Awareness Day, 2nd April
- World Down Syndrome Day, 21st March
- events that took place in December to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2014
Read more at:
Regulation conference 2016
Save the date for this leading international conference on health professional regulation taking place on 14th and 15th May 2016.Scheduled to run over one and a half days, immediately before the World Health Organization's World Health Assembly in Geneva, the fourth World Health Professions Regulation Conference will provide participants with insights, perspectives and discussion on current challenges in health professional regulation. Find out more as available at:![]()
MedBridge One of WCPT's education partners, MedBridge, is offering a yearly subscription at a discount of more than 50%. MedBridge gives you an opportunity to enhance clinical skills and improve patient outcomes with its evidence-based online curriculum and patient education tools. With a 12-month subscription you have unlimited access to:
- 200+ online video courses taught by award-winning instructors
- a home exercise platform to quickly create custom programmes (now with Spanish translation available)
- 3D-animated videos of common conditions to help educate your patients
- certificate programmes to help advance your clinical skill set and career
- 30-minute video interviews with top researchers on the latest evidence
Subscribe before Friday 4th April to take advantage of the current offer to join for US$200 (usually US$425) or use promo code WCPTspring:
World Health Day
Find out more about this year's World Health Day, held on 7th April, at support the campaign for 2015, "How safe is your food", the World Health Organization have produced a toolkit with posters, leaflets and banners available for download.![]()
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